How to stay motivated during quarantine

– Tips to staying motivated at home –

Staying motivated while in quaratine can be a tricky head game. It’s so easy to crawl back into bed or stay in bed all day. Since we’ve been indoors for quite some time now, I have gathered some tips/a routine to stay motivated while we’re all at home.

An article from healthline says, “it takes 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic.” In Connecticut (and most other states), the stay at home order has been in place for almost two months now. Since this order, I’ve really tried training myself to get into a routine and have that routine feel automatic. I believe a lot of the new habits that I have created are now automatic, like working out, self reflecting and going downstairs to get my morning coffee.

For once, it’s nice to have a daily routine that is consistent each day. I really love my daily routine at home so I don’t dread staying in.

I feel like I’ve always been a very motivated person, but getting myself to complete tasks is sometimes an uphill battle. Since quaranting, I’ve been committed to keeping myself busy. Here’s what I’ve done and you can adjust this as it pertains to you!

how to stay motivated during quarantine

My daily routine:

First, I wake up grateful and make a mental note that I am taking the time to thank the world for my life. It’s not cheesy, it actually helps me stay grounded and reflect. Afterwards, while still in bed, I go on Pinterest, Instagram and my email. On some days, I pick up the book I’m reading instead. It depends on the time I wake up.

Secondly, I get a cup of coffee. I’ve perfected my cup of jo. I love my  coffee black, but sometimes I use this creamer (remember to shake it so it’s thick). It’s frothy which is nice if you don’t typically froth your milk everyday (because who does that?).

Next, I’ll sit at my desk and quickly jot down things I’m grateful for and things I want in life. I’ve been obsessed with law of attraction lately so I try to implement that practice whenever I have the time to. I don’t sit down and write everyday, it’s when I think of it and have time to!

Once I finish my coffee and writing, I workout. I’ve been loving Chloe Ting’s videos and workout plans lately. I’ve been doing the ‘Flat Tummy Challenge.’ I honestly LOVE how I feel after I do her workouts, I have so much more energy.

After working out I refresh with lots of water and make breakfast! After this, I’ve been trying to go on daily walks with my roommates while I can. We live in a great neighborhood so I love just chatting and walking around, it’s good exercise too!

Until dinner I work on my computer. I’ve been working on my journalism portfolio website lately. This has been tedious and time consuming but I know it’s worth having. I’ve been using Pinterest a lot to grow my blog, so I put some time there as well. Basicailly, I’m saying that in this time, I do whatever HAS to be done or whatever I know makes me happy. This “work” makes me happy!

Then I make dinner and relax. Relaxing for me is TV, YouTube and listening to music. Your relaxing time may be different, so do whatever relaxes you!

And that’s it! That’s really my day to day and I love it. Being home in quarantine is making me a lot more mindful. Its made me prioritize my wellness, be more committed to getting sh*t done and overall I’m just happier! Sometimes, it just takes a shift in your mindset and a commitment to  change your bad habits.

Remember in these chaotic and unfamiliar times to cherish time at home because life WILL get busy again soon..

Read my last post, spring outfits 2020!

Comfy and cute loungewear – At home style

– Loungewear –

comfy, cute, loungewear

comfy, cute, loungewear

comfy, cute, loungewear

comfy, cute, loungewear

comfy, cute, loungewear

comfy, cute, loungewear

comfy, cute, loungewear

When you’re stuck at home, there is not much to do but to wear cute and comfy loungewear. You seriously just feel better when you’re put together.

One day, my roommate, Cara and I were chatting before bed and just got on the topic of cute and comfy loungwear while we’re in quarantine. It feels like tie dye blew up overnight and everyone suddenly “needed” it. I feel like every store started selling comfy and cute loungewear. It was a message from above (not exactly….) to buy loungwear. So here we are, with a loungewear post.

I’ve always been a t-shirt and shorts kinda girl around the house or as my go to look for pajamas. Not anymore. Now I’m like OK how can I look descent at home?! Even when school was in session, I’d rather wear jeans than leggings. Obviously, I’m not going to wear jeans around the house, so now I’m all for the comfy and cute look.

I feel like I’ve found the best loungewear. Not to toot my own horn, but trust me, you’re going to want this all. 

So first, there are loungewear sets. I’m all about the sets. You just feel so put together.

Here are my favorites:

Tie-dye sets are so popular right now. Tie-dye pieces are selling out so fast, everyone is trying to get their hands on a tie-dye set. I just feel like they’re so trendy right now but are going to die out. I may be 100% wrong, but I’ve been turning to the DYI bleach route of tie-dying. We took oversized black pullovers from Amazon and bleached them and they came out so good!

A local boutique by me in New Jersey has been blowing up online lately. If you’re local, you’ve heard of Hazel Boutique. They have oversized sweatshirts that are so perfect for being at home. They scream comfy, cute loungewear. I just purchased the two below.

comfy and cute loungewear comfy and cute loungewear

Earrings in beige loungewear set (gold)-

Shop my neon shoes post, here. for 40% off with the code Olivia02 for 30% off with the codre OLIVIASCHUELLER30 for 30% off with code OLIVIA30