I wanted to share some pictures from my college graduation. If you follow me on social media (@oliviaschueller), you know I’m now living in Alabama. If you really keep up, you know I moved here for work.
After being here for several months, I did start to get a little homesick. Luckily, graduation was in May, and I was able to come back to NJ and CT for the celebration!
I’m so fortunate Quinnipiac had an in-person graduation. It was bittersweet to officially end my college chapter. I had the BEST possible experience and wish it never ended.
It felt so weird to be in AL working one day and then in home in NJ the next. I’ve been away for so long but going back to my home in NJ and then my college house in CT, it felt like I never left!
Anyways…I hope you love these pictures as much as I do. I’ve said it a thousand times and I’ll say it again…I’ll never be able to express my gratitude for my college experience at Quinnipiac. I know I’ll be back someday!
In this post I’ll walk you through the sorority recruitment process. There are a few things you need to expect and know beforehand. Hopefully, I can guide you through sorority recruitment (rushing) and calm the nerves you probably have.
First things first, if you’re on the fence about rushing a sorority GO. FOR. IT. It doesn’t hurt to go to the houses day one and get a feel for it. Quinnipiac’s panhellenic held a super fun greek carnival. The event got me EXCITED to go through recruitment, but if you don’t get excited to be apart of a sorority don’t force it! Make a decision that is right for YOU.
Quinnipiac’s sorority recruitment process is over Labor Day weekend, but I know some schools have sorority reruitment for two weeks! Every school is different and every sorority is different so I’m going to give general sorority recruitment tips. Your school will give you ideas of what to wear each day, I recommend using Pinterest to find inspiration on what to wear each day. Get ready PNM (potential new member) you got this!
OK, first you have to sign up for the sorority recruitment process. Typically, there is a link online you can find on your schools panhellenic website or social media. FYI, panhellenic is the group on campus that represents all sororities. When you sign up for the sorority recruitment process there is a super small fee. Just a little reminder, being in a sorority can be pricey! You DO have to pay to be involved in a sorority. I promise you’re not “paying for friends” this money goes towards formals, semi formals, shirts, dinners and any other fun activities. Typically, this is all covered by your sorority payments (dues).
So that’s just a little background for you pre sorority recruitment and what to keep in mind.
Alright so now imagine it’s day one of the sorority recruitment process. Your emotions are going to be EVERYWHERE throughout the sorority recruitment process. You’re going to be nervous, scared, anxious, excited and more. My number one tip is to carry yourself with confidence. I feel like you can tell when someone holds themself with confidence and talks with confidence. NOT cocky. I’ve talked to girls who sounded so over confident and cocky where it completely RUINED their chances. When you’re overly confident and cocky, you loose the genuine person that you are. So be confident in who you are naturally and don’t try and be someone you’re not, it won’t get you far.
Now you may be nervous about conversations during the sorority recrutiment process, but let them come naturally, even if it’s about your 5th grade pet fish, seriously! If you and the girl you’re talking to hit it off, that’s huge.
PRO RECRUITMENT TIP: NEVER ask about partying, social events or gathertings with other fraternities or boys. Instead, ask about the sororities philanthropy or philanthropy events they hold. I feel like that’s a given BUT you’d be surprised what some girls say! So please don’t be that girl, I’m telling you now!
The sorority recruitment process can be hard but it shouldn’t be. Some girls get really nervous during sorority recruitment and shut down. Maybe their true personality is hiding because they’re just so nervous and trying so hard to be likeable. Anxiety and stress are usually things that can’t be controlled, so sometimes “trusting the process” doesn’t work out and it can be fustrating for girls. I think it’s really key to find something you and the other girl have in common and role with it. Talk about who you are and what makes you, you. Everyone can relate in some way, it’s not cheesy, it’s true.
And finally don’t try and be in the sorority your roommate or bestie is in as you go through the sorority recruitment process. Be your own self and do your own thing. My best friend and I went into the sorority recruitment process like omg how fun would it be if we were in the same sorority!!!!! Now, I’m like yeah, no. We’re best friends but we’re so different, it’s actually nice to have that seperation.
Please don’t be anxious during the entire sorority recruitment process, it’s fun. I hope you can breathe a little more after reading this post and it gave you a clearer vision of how you should go about things.
OH HEY shop mine and my roommates closets. Prices are negotiable and most of the stuff we’ve never worn! @shop_co_closet
I’m no expert and maybe I’ve just had luck…but I wanted to share with you what has helped me land two internships as an incoming junior in college.
I’ve interned as WTNH News 8 in New Haven, CT & currently, I’m interning at PIX 11 in NYC. Both internships have been very different from one another, but I know both will help me down the road and lead me to a job.
Hover over the graphic to pin it!
So how to get an internship? Well first off, I’ve tried really hard to apply myself in college. What I mean is that I’ve joind clubs & organizations on campus.
Being in a sorortiy can help someone network. Maybe your bigs, best friend’s cousin has the same major as you. So your big tells her best friend about you, who reaches out to her cousin. Now you’ve connected! All because you’re apart of a sorority on campus. Most internships you get are from connecting with people. The more you’re involved in, the better your chances of meeting someone with the same career interests as you are! So, that’s tip number one on getting an internship.
I’ve talked about my involvement with the schools television station, Q30, a lot. So this organization sort of mimics a television station and has a weekly newscast. For me, being in this organization has been super beneficial to my success. Not only have I connected with people, I’ve been able to get hands on experience in news. So when I have an interview with a potential employer, I walk them through what I do in Q30. They’re usually pretty impressed by a student run television station. I’d definitely say my involvment with this organization has helped me get an internship.
It’s a lot of work being involved in multiple organizations and clubs at school but it has enhanced my experience, my personal growth and has allowed me to connect with a number of different people. To balance all of this prioritize and try to do the most of what makes you the happiest. If you need to take a step back from something, take the step back. This is something I’ve struggled with and hope to get better at this year, I need to learn to sometimes take a breather. You only go to college once but you also want to make your college experience worth something, that’s why I sometimes over push myself (so bottom line, don’t over do it).
My next tip on how to get an internship is to go for things you wouldn’t expect yourself to get. WTNH said they’ll only take juniors and seniors in college, but I took a chance in applying and they took me! I didn’t think I’d get it, but I’m so happy I tried anyways…and look, I got it! That could happen to you too, so don’t doubt your abilities.
And, always treat everyone with kindness and compassion. A person you meet may be the one to help you when you’re looking for a job.
So these are my tips on how to get an internship:
Involvement in clubs and organizations
Getting first hand experience in an organization on campus related to your major
Apply and go for a position, even if your feel “unqualified”
Set goals
Lastly, treat everyone with kindness and compassion, they may be the help you need down the line
Good things come to those who grind, I always tell myself how hard I work will pay off. Be a goal getter but a goal setter first. Figure out what you want and go get it.
Yes, I interviewed Jake Gyllenhaal & Tom Sturridge…yes..still not over it. Also was able to cover the press room at the TONYS!
As I head into my junior year of college, there are a number of things I wish I had known as a freshman. For anyone in college this may help you, and if you’re out of college, maybe you can relate.
1. You hear a lot of freshman roommate horror stories, but they may just turn into your best friend. But, if they don’t become your best friend, you will find your person or people.
2. You won’t like everyone and not everyone will like you.
3. I’ve noticed college is in no way like high school, so stop being judgemental now.
3. R-E-L-A-X, the small things won’t matter 5, 10, 15 years from now.
4. Apply yourself. Join organizations on campus and get involved. You’ll meet great people and make your college experience so much better.
5. College is practice for real life. It’s OK to make mistakes.
6. Go for positions or internships you don’t think you can get. You’ll surprise yourself with what you can do and what you can get.
7. NEVER. PUT. GUYS. BEFORE. YOUR. BEST. GIRL. FRIENDS. Some boys are temporary, friends are most likely forever. Chicks before _______.
8. Yes, spend your money but remember to try and save it too.
9. Remind your family often how grateful you are that they were able to send you to college, many people don’t have the privilege.
10. HAVE FUN. You only go to college once and it only lasts four years.
I know college is an exciting yet also nerve-racking time. If you’re an incoming freshman and you’re not going to your first choice, it will be OK, better than OK it’ll be GREAT. Try and keep a positive mindset, even if you have a number of worries. Trust me, I was hesitant and worried too, it’s normal.
When I visited Loyola University Maryland, I thought I was for sure going there. But, the world had different (better) plans for me. Honestly, Loyola didn’t give me any type of academic scholarship, and I didn’t want to put my family through that tuition.
I went back and forth between Quinnipiac and Loyola, but in my heart I wanted to go to Loyola. Heading into my third year of college, it’s nothing short of a blessing that I’m a student at Quinnipiac. I haven’t thought about Loyola once. So for everyone, go into college open-minded, you got this!
My spring break wasn’t spent on an island or on some crazy vacation but back at home sweet home, New Jersey. Honestly, it was just what I needed. With my internship at WTNH News 8, ontop of classes and Q30 (Quinnipiac’s TV station) my days have been packed. Sometimes I just need a second to breathe. Being home and giving myself all the time in the world to lounge on the couch, catch up on all my favorite shows and eat my favorite home cooked meals was all I wanted and needed.
On my breaks from school my mom and I typically go out to eat together a lot. This usually means eating an absurd amount of sushi. This past spring break was no different. We also got massages, ooo la la. I never had one before!
Onto more exciting things my younger brother commited to run cross country at Loyola University Maryland. And, if you remeber from this post in 2017, I thought Loyola was going to be MY school. It was weird, I convinced myself after seeing the mascot, a greyhound, in the most obscure places. Like we went out to eat once and there were just random statues of greyhounds in the restaurant. So needless to say, at the time, I truly convinced myself I was being given signs from above that that’s where I was going to college. BUT, jokes on me, Ally is going to Loyola to run cross country and study engineering!!! Two things I have no interest in ever persuing.. ha ha ha. Now, I can’t help but think all of the greyhound signs I saw were a foreshadow to my brothers future as a greyhound. FYI, I’d love to post the picture he used when announcing his commitment, but I think he’d be embarrassed so if you want to see it go to my Instagram and go through the lifestyle highlight. 😉
We got pretty lucky with the weather over spring break in New Jersey. It started to warm up so my friends and I saw that as a beach day. We went to this cute cafe in Belmar called Stay Gold, got coffees and lattes and then walked alonged the boardwalk.
So that was pretty much my spring break. Lots of sushi, lots of late nights and movies, and lots of catching up with friends. Exactly what I needed.
After a nice quick break I’m feeling really good heading into second semester. I can’t believe another school year is almost in the books and I’ll be half way done with college in just 8 weeks.
I’m hoping I can be more way more consistent with posting on here too..talk soon!